
Why do I get the error 403?

The error "Error 403 - Forbidden" is one of the many Hypertext Transfer Protocol response codes that you may encounter when accessing a website. There are many possibilities as to why this error code is displayed.


Directory Browsing

The web server can protect all or certain directories from "directory browsing". Example: On a website, right-click on an image and select "Open image in new tab". The image is opened in a new tab, the URL in the address bar looks like this: "". If you now wanted to display all images in the "images" directory, you would enter the URL "" - and thus browse through the directory, which is called "directory browsing". Most web servers prohibit this. Solution: Check the URL for errors and make sure that you enter an actual file name including the extension of the website and not just a directory.


Browser extensions

Some browser extensions or plug-ins and/or add-ons can cause your web browser to be rejected by the web server. This happens particularly frequently due to ad blockers or proxy plug-ins. Solution: Try to access the page with deactivated plug-ins or add-ons.


Browser cache

Outdated content that is still in the browser cache can also lead to a 403 error. Solution: Delete the browser cache and try to access the page again.



The firewall can also be the source of an incorrect HTTP request. Solution: Temporarily deactivate the firewall and try to access the website again. If the website can now be accessed and you trust the provider, you can add the page to the firewall exceptions.


Incorrect authorizations

Of course, it is also possible that the permissions of a directory or file are set incorrectly. Solution: Check the permissions for the corresponding files or directories.

  • Fehler 403, 403
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