
Search for your perfect domain


Price per year incl. VAT.


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per month incl. 20% VAT.
€ 0,99

per month incl. 20% VAT.
€ 0,99


per month incl. 20% VAT.
€ 1,30


per month incl. 20% VAT.
€ 0,50


per month incl. 20% VAT.
€ 2,10


per month incl. 20% VAT.
€ 1,70


per month incl. 20% VAT.
€ 0,90

per month incl. 20% VAT.
€ 0,99


per month incl. 20% VAT.
€ 0,90


per month incl. 20% VAT.
€ 1,40

Domain search made easy

With our domain check, you can quickly find your free domain name on the Internet. No matter whether you run a private website or want to set up a company - choosing the right domain name is child's play. With our practical tool, you can quickly and easily find out which domains are still available and thus secure your desired address.

Trust our many years of experience in the field of domain registrations and secure your new internet address now!

What is a domain check?

Domaincheck is a free tool that allows you to quickly and safely check whether your desired domain name is still available. In addition to the most popular domain extensions, Domaincheck checks over 500 available TLDs. This increases the chance of finding a free and suitable domain name.

Why is a domain check important?

A domain check is crucial because your domain is your online identity. It should not only be easy to remember, but also relevant to the content of your website. In addition, the choice of your domain also affects your search engine ranking. A well-chosen domain can improve your visibility in search results.

How do I use the domain Check?

Using the domain check does not require any technical knowledge. You can find your desired name by typing it into the search field. Please make sure that you do not enter the domain name with www. Our domain check then delivers the results and offers the possibility to register free domains.

How do I buy an available domain?

If your desired name is available, you should act quickly. Many domains are registered every day, your desired name would still be available for purchase by other interested parties.

  1. Place the free domain(s) in the shopping cart. To do so, simply click on the green button that shows the domain as free.
  2. Then select "Express Checkout" to continue with the registration.
  3. In the next step, you can assign a hosting package to your domains. If you do not wish to do so, click on continue without selecting anything.
  4. Now we only need your data to register the domain in your name. In this step you will also find the payment.
  5. The domains will now be registered to you in a few seconds. Congratulations.

Steps for the perfect domain check:

To get the most out of the domain Check, we recommend the following tips:

  1. Check relevance: Make sure your domain matches the content of your website. For example, if you are creating a website for pet supplies, your domain should have something to do with animals or pets.
  2. Short and concise: Shorter domains are easier to remember. Try to use short terms or abbreviations in the domain check that represent your brand.
  3. Avoid special characters: Special characters and umlauts can cause confusion and are difficult to remember. So do not use special characters in your domain.
  4. Keyword-Integration: Wenn möglich, integrieren Sie Ihr Haupt-Keyword in die Domain. Dies kann dazu beitragen, Ihr Suchmaschinenranking zu verbessern.
  5. Brand-friendly: Remember that your domain also represents your brand. Make sure it fits well into your brand strategy.

Tips for using the domain Check

To get the most out of the Domain Check, we recommend the following tips:

  1. Think carefully in advance about which domains are relevant for your project or company and enter them specifically in the search.
  2. Also use synonyms or alternative spellings of your desired domains to find possible alternatives.
  3. Make sure that your desired domain is easy to remember and read, and that it relates to the content of your website.
  4. Regularly check the availability of new top-level domains (TLDs) to expand your online presence even further.

We hope that our domain-check will help you find the perfect web address!

Satisfaction guarantee

We are the domain provider of satisfied customers.

Everything starts with your own domain...


A domain name is the address under which a website can be found on the internet. Therefore, it should be well thought out and fit the content of the page. Here are some tips for a successful domain name:

1. As short as possible and concise: A short name is better remembered and easier to remember.

2. Avoid numbers: These make it difficult to remember the name.

3. Choose memorable names: The name should be easy to remember in order to be remembered by visitors to your site.

4. Spelling: Make sure that your domain name is spelled correctly so that your visitors do not accidentally land on another page.
Don't worry, there are various options to still find a suitable domain for you.
Instead of a .at or .com domain, you could, for example, choose a .eu or one of the new domain extensions. These would be, for example, the following:


There are still many free names available under these TLDs.
helloly offers hundreds of domain extensions, just use the respective category to choose.
If a domain is assigned, you will receive a return in the domain check as result assigned /transfer (change the provider to helloly).

As the holder of this domain, you have the option of initiating a domain transfer to helloly. We will gladly support you and carry out a provider change for you. With our unique service and our attractive prices, you will benefit from the new home of your domain.
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Thanks to the many good ratings, we are among the best of the best - and have received the Top Rated Company Award 2024! The award confirms our high quality and excellent service.

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