€ 0,99
€ 1,40
€ 0,50
€ 0,90
€ 0,90
Get more out of your Domain
Key Features
E-Mail Complete includes 5 separate e-mail accounts to which you can assign any number of e-mail addresses. This means that you can also assign other people an e-mail address under your domain. The maximum size of each mailbox is 5GB.
An e-mail alias is an alternative, additional e-mail address that refers to the same e-mail inbox as the main address. In other words, an alias forwards e-mails to the main mailbox without the need to create a separate mailbox. It allows you to use multiple e-mail addresses that can all access the same mailbox and receive the same e-mails. You can use as many e-mail aliases as you like.
Yes, a spam filter is also included. This means you can be sure that unwanted e-mails are automatically filtered out and your inbox remains organized.
Switching to a complete hosting package only takes a few clicks. Your existing e-mail addresses remain active. Fees already paid will be taken into account. There will be no double costs.
The monthly fee of € 1,50 is charged annually. You will receive an annual invoice for € 18,00. You can withdraw online at any time.
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