
Can I freely choose the website document root folder of an add-on domain?

Yes, you can freely select the root folder. Proceed as follows:

Select website document root folder

  1. Log in to the Customer Center at

  2. Within the dashboard you will find your active products. Beside your web hosting package click on Log in to cPanel.

  3. Scroll down until Domains and click on Domains.

  4. In the line of the corresponding domain, click on Manage.

  5. Under New Document Root you can now freely specify a directory. If you leave the field after /public_html/ blank, the addon domain shares the website document root folder with the main domain.

  6. Confirm with Update.

  • Document Root, Dokumentenstammordner, Addon-Domain, Dokumentenstamm, Document Root Folder
  • 0 Users Found This Useful
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