
What online payment options are available?

We accept the following payment methods:

Banküberweisung und Express Überweisungen Mastercard Kreditkarte Visa Kreditkarte PayPal  Apple Pay Google Pay

  • Bank transfer and express transfers
    If you choose bank transfer as your payment method, you can make a transfer at any time after placing your order. Most banks also offer express bank transfers. In this case, the transfer is made in real time, so we receive it immediately and can process your order without delay. Alternatively, you can send us a confirmation of the transfer (screenshot, photo, etc.). In this case, the services will also be provided immediately.

  • Credit cards
    If payment is made by credit card, the charge will be made on the same day. When paying by credit card, the customer provides the following data: Cardholder, card number, credit card company, expiry date, CVV code. The data is transmitted using SSL encryption with a minimum 128-bit key and is therefore not accessible to unauthorized persons.

  • Paypal
    You can place cashless orders with us using PayPal. If you choose this payment method, you will be forwarded directly to PayPal for payment. If you already have a PayPal account, you can log in with your account details and make the payment. If you are new to PayPal, you can create a user account free of charge by entering your bank or credit card details. You then pay by entering your e-mail address and a password and receive a payment confirmation by e-mail. Your order will then be processed immediately.

  • Apple Pay
    Apple Pay is a payment system from Apple that allows you to make contactless payments using your Apple device such as your iPhone, Apple Watch or iPad. You simply add your credit or debit card to Apple Pay and can then pay quickly and easily at supported retail outlets or online stores by holding your device close to the payment terminal or pressing the "Buy" button. Apple Pay also offers additional security features such as Touch ID or Face ID to ensure that only you or authorized users can make payments.

  • Google Pay
    Google Pay is a payment system from Google that allows you to make contactless payments with your Android device. You simply add your credit or debit card to Google Pay and can pay quickly and easily by pressing the "Buy" button. Google Pay also offers additional security features such as the ability to protect access to the system via password, fingerprint or facial recognition.

  • Debit cards
    Every newly issued ATM card is now also a debit card. This means that you can store any bank card in the customer area as a credit card, and outstanding amounts are automatically debited from your bank account on an ongoing basis. This is a secure alternative to the SEPA procedure.

  • e-rechnung
    We offer public authorities and educational institutions from Austria the option of paying by e-rechnung.
  • Zahlungsmöglichkeiten, Zahlungsoptionen, Payment options
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