
How do I install Contao?

Contao can easily be installed on any add-on domain.

To install Contao on the main domain, please note the following:

  1. To install Contao on your main domain, a workaround via a dummy domain is necessary. Our support will be happy to assist you!

  2. You should not have created any email accounts on your main domain yet.

  3. You should not have set up any sub-domains on your main domain.

  4. Ideally, the public_html directory should be empty.


1. Create Database

Like every content management system, Contao needs a database. This is how you create a database including database users:

  1. Access the helloly client area via

  2. In the Dashboard, under "Your active products", you find your web hosting packages.

  3. Next to the desired package click onto Log in to cPanel.

  4. Navigate to the item Databases and select MySQL® Databases.

  5. Under Create New Database enter an appropriate name (e.g. Contao) and click on Create Database.

  6. Now scroll to MySQL user Add new user.

  7. Assign an Username (e.g. Contao) and a Password and click on Create User.

  8. Under Add user to database assign the newly created user to the newly created database and confirm with Add.


2. Install Contao Manager

The Contao Manager allows you to install Contao quickly and easily on your helloly web server.

  1. Navigate to the download page and download the Managed Edition with a click on Download.

  2. Within cPanel scroll to Files and open File Manager.

    1. If you want to install Contao on your main domain, create a folder named public in the public_html directory.

    2. If you want to install Contao on an add-on domain, navigate to the corresponding directory within the public_html directory and create a folder named public.

  3. Navigate to the public directory. Use the Upload function to upload the previously loaded Contao Manager to the directory. After the Contao Manager has been loaded into the directory, add the file extension .php at the end of the installation file.

  4. Access the Contao Manager by opening it under www.ihre-domain.tld/public/contao-manager.phar.php to open it.

  5. Now follow the instructions of the Contao Manager.


3. Main Domain or Add-on Domain?

Contao stores the system-side part of the software outside the document root. Therefore, after installation, the document root must be set to the public subfolder that you have previously created.

With an add-on domain, you can change the document root yourself. However, if you would like to use Contao on your main domain, please contact our support.


4. Change the Root Directory of an Add-on Domain

  1. Within cPanel scroll to Domains and click on Domains.

  2. Next to the desired add-on domain click on Manage.

  3. Under Update The Domain you will find the function New Document Root.

  4. Enter the path to the previously created public folder.

  5. Confirm with Update.


You have now successfully installed Contao!

  • Contao
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